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2018 Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan

Building an Outdoor Legacy in Delaware is a planning and policy document that identifies needs in outdoor recreation throughout the state of Delaware. Identification of these needs guide the investment of funding for outdoor recreation, specifically in the distribution of Federal Land and Water Conservation Trust Fund (LWCF) and Delaware Outdoor Recreation, Parks, and Trails Program (ORPT) monies, as well as other public and private funds. In order to remain eligible to receive LWCF grants, states are required by the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act, through administration by the Department of Interior, National Park Service, to develop a Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP) every five years.

Importantly, the document includes tools and references for a variety of partners to better understand how Delawareans participate in outdoor recreation activities, rate facilities, and their preferences for funding projects and programs. The SCORP also includes valuable information on digital inventories of outdoor recreation lands and amenities, geospatial level of service analyses, and ties to public health and the economy. This information can help build support, assist with planning, and increase collaboration around outdoor recreation.

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