Play Outside
About the map
The Play Outside online mapping tool will help you find not only parks, preserves, trails and playgrounds managed by Delaware State Parks, but also public parks and recreational facilities managed by county and local governments and other state agencies. Find wildlife areas. Find playgrounds, ball fields, fishing piers, trails, and more. And find the things like parking lots and bathrooms that you’ll need as well.
Technical Details
Play OutsiDE was developed by the DNREC Division of Parks and Recreation in partnership with the Department of Technology and Information. It uses Geographic Information System – GIS software to present information from the Delaware Outdoor Recreation Inventory , combined with data such as road information from DelDOT
The information can be viewed over a standard road map or over the latest Delaware aerial photography. Users can browse the map to find information, or use a search function to find the nearest outdoor recreation opportunity. The data in the system is updated on an ongoing basis by state agencies and others. Much of the data is also available through the Delaware FirstMap geospatial data website.
The information provided by the Play Outside website is for graphical representation only. Data is reviewed and updated periodically. However the DNREC, Division of Parks & Recreation provides no guarantee, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy and/or completeness of the information herein. The State of Delaware and any of its employees cannot be held accountable for any and all claims arising from any and all claims for loss, damage or injury to persons or property of whatever kind or nature arising from the operation or use of this data. Contact the managing agency for park rules and other information.