
Click the links below to view hunting rules for 2024-2025 state park hunting locations.

Auburn Valley

Permitted: Deer

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Refer to map for approximate locations of indicated areas.

    1. In addition to the rules and regulations found in the “Delaware Hunting and Trapping Guide: 2024-2025”, specific rules that apply to Auburn Valley State Park are listed below.  Registration of all hunters participating in the Delaware State Park Hunting Program is required. The permit may be purchased via Digital DNREC or where Delaware hunting licenses are sold beginning in August 2024. Outside vendors charge an additional processing fee. You must have this permit prior to hunting. NOTE: Once obtained, this registration will be valid for hunters participating in the Delaware State Park Hunting Program at any of the nine Delaware State Parks where hunting is permitted.
      It is the hunter’s responsibility to become familiar with each park’s specific rules and regulations prior to hunting.
    2. Deer hunting, as described below, is the only hunting permitted at Auburn Valley State Park.
    3. General Hunting Rules
      1. There is NO SUNDAY HUNTING in Delaware State Parks.
      2. Failure to comply with any state laws, rules, regulations, and/or policies may result in arrest and/or suspension of all hunting privileges in Delaware State Parks.
      3. Handguns are non permitted for deer hunting in Delaware State Parks.
      4. Straight-walled pistol caliber rifles are not permitted for deer hunting in Delaware State Parks north of the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal.
      5. Use of trail cameras in Delaware State Parks is prohibited.
      6. Driving deer into and/or through hunting areas is prohibited.
      7. The clearing/cutting of vegetation to form shooting lanes or for any other purpose is prohibited.
      8. Baiting is prohibited in Delaware State Parks.
      9. Use of buckshot is prohibited in Delaware State Parks.
      10. No motorized hand carts or ATVs are allowed to recover harvested deer. E-bikes may be used on state park trails that allow bicycles. Bicycles, including E-bikes may not be ridden on paths from state park trails to the deer stand, pin or archery zone. Manual deer carts are authorized for use.
      11. Park only in designated parking areas (refer to map for approximate locations).
      12. Hunters shall not enter the tag board parking lot before 4:00 am.
      13. Hunters are allowed to harvest deer of either sex in Auburn Valley State Park.
      14. State Parks are carry-in, carry-out areas. Please take any trash you accumulate with you.
    4. Deer Hunting – Archery/Crossbow Seasons
      1. Permitted in season and in accordance with Delaware state laws, regulations, and rules at the Oversee Farm and Auburn Heights units of Auburn Valley State Park, Monday, September 2, 2024 through Saturday, February 1, 2025.
      2. Hunters must hunt from metal ladder stands A – I at the Oversee Farm, wooden stands 1 – 6 at Auburn Heights , or with their own portable stand, not less than ten (10) feet off the ground within the painted perimeter around each stand.
      3. There is a single wooden PD at the Oversee Farm unit stand that is available to hunters who have in their possession a valid disabled hunter card issued by the Delaware Division of Fish and Wildlife.
      4. All stands, including the PD stand will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis using the self-registration tag board system. The tag board is located in the trailhead parking lot on Yorklyn Road. No tag may be removed prior to 4:30 am. Tags must be returned to board anytime a hunter vacates a stand and leaves park premises.
      5. Hunter orange must be worn by archery hunters at all times when dates overlap with any Statewide Gun Seasons.
      6. No arrows or bolts may be nocked prior to hunting in the stand. No cocked crossbows are allowed prior to hunting in the stand. Spot and stalk hunting is prohibited.
    5. General Firearm Hunting
      1. Permitted in season and in accordance with Delaware state laws, regulations, and rules, ONLY at the Auburn Heights Unit of Auburn Valley State Park, November 15 – November 23, 2024; December 14 – December 21, 2024 Special Antlerless and January 18 – January 25, 2025.
      2. Hunters must hunt from one of six wooden stands only.
      3. Stands will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis using the self-registration tag board system. The tag board is located in the trailhead parking lot on Yorklyn Road. No tag may be removed prior to 4:30 am. Tags must be returned to board anytime a hunter vacates a stand and leaves park premises.
      4. Muzzleloaders and shotguns may be used to hunt during General Firearm Seasons.
      5. There is no shotgun hunting during the October season. There is no gun hunting at Auburn Valley State Park during the Delaware Muzzleloader seasons.
      6. Red fox and coyote may be harvested as incidental take with a muzzleloader or shotgun while hunting for deer during general firearm seasons. Use of calls is prohibited.
      7. Guns shall not be loaded until hunter is in the stand. Spot and stalk hunting is prohibited.
    6. Reporting Harvested Deer at Auburn Valley State Park
      1. All deer harvested at Auburn Valley State Park must be registered on the sign-in/sign-out sheet located at the tag board.
      2. All deer must also be reported via the on-line or toll-free telephone reporting system as required by the Delaware Division of Fish and Wildlife.  Deer should be registered as follows:
        Land Type: Public
        County: New Castle
        Zone: 1A
        Location Type: State or County Park
        Location Description: Auburn Valley State Park
      • Please be careful, discrete and considerate around other park visitors. Understand that many park patrons are NOT hunters and some may feel threatened by your presence.
      • By hunting in this park, you are a vital part of our “deer management team”. White-tail deer have been shown to ecologically damage their habitat when they reach 20 deer per square mile. In the majority of our parks, the deer herds have much greater densities than this.
      • Your harvest information is very important to us. Please submit your data accurately. Have a safe and successful hunt. 

Auburn Valley 2024-2025, Updated 6/12/2024

Brandywine Creek

Permitted: Deer

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2024-2025 Hunting Seasons/Hunting Rules

Refer to map for approximate locations of indicated areas.

  1. In addition to the rules and regulations found in the Delaware Hunting and Trapping Guide: 2024-2025, specific rules that apply to Brandywine Creek State Park are listed below.  Registration of all hunters participating in the Delaware State Park Hunting Program is required.The permit may be purchased via Digital DNREC or where Delaware hunting licenses are sold beginning in August 2024. Outside vendors charge an additional processing fee. You must have this permit prior to hunting. NOTE: Once obtained, this registration will be valid for hunters participating in the Delaware State Park Hunting Program at any of the nine Delaware State Parks where hunting is permitted.
    It is the hunter’s responsibility to become familiar with each park’s specific rules and regulations prior to hunting.
  2. General Hunting Rules
    1. There is NO SUNDAY HUNTING in Delaware State Parks.
    2. Failure to comply with any state laws, rules, regulations, and/or policies may result in arrest and/or suspension of all hunting privileges in Delaware State Parks.
    3. Tags shall not be pulled for any stand or pin site prior to 4:30 am. Hunters shall not enter the tag board parking area prior to 4:00 am
    4. Use of any firearms other than compound bows, recurve bows and crossbows is prohibited.
    5. It is illegal to use or build a nailed or permanent tree stand or ladder.
    6. Use of trail cameras in Delaware State Parks is prohibited.
    7. Driving deer into and/or through hunting areas is prohibited.
    8. The clearing/cutting of vegetation to form shooting lanes or for any other purpose is prohibited.
    9. Use of Bait is prohibited in Delaware State Parks.
    10. Driving motorized vehicles off-road into fields, woods, or along trails is prohibited. No motorized hand carts or ATVs are allowed to recover harvested deer. Manual hand carts are permitted.
    11. Please park in the designated parking areas (refer to map for approximate locations).
    12. Hunters are allowed to harvest deer of either sex at Brandywine Creek State Park.
    13. State Parks are carry-in, carry-out areas. Please take any trash you accumulate with you.
  3. Deer Hunting – Archery/Crossbow Seasons
    1. Archery/crossbow hunting ONLY is permitted for deer, in season, Monday, September 2, 2024 through Saturday, February 1, 2025.
    2. There is NO SUNDAY HUNTING in Delaware State Parks.
    3. Hunter orange must be worn by archery hunters at all times when dates overlap with any Statewide Gun Seasons.
    4. There are thirteen archery pin sites, three archery only metal tree stands, one archery only tripod stand (17) and one stand for Permanently Disabled hunters. Permanently disabled hunters must possess a State of Delaware Certified Hunter with Disabilities Card. For information on obtaining this card call the Division of Fish and Wildlife at (302) 739-9912.
    5. Hunting at the thirteen pin sites is only allowed from a portable non-damaging tree stand (provided by the hunter), not less than 10 feet above ground level, within the perimeter marked with paint on trees around a central numbered pin.
    6. Pin and stand sites will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis using the self-registration tag board system. The tag board will be located in the Thompson Bridge Parking Lot for the 2023-24 hunting season. Stands 6 – 13, 17 and PD1 may be unavailable on some days during the hunting season with little advance notice. On those days the tags will be removed from the tag board by park staff.
    7. Hunters are allowed to harvest a deer of either sex in Brandywine Creek State Park. The primary goal of the hunting program in Delaware State Parks is to reduce the overall deer herd and equalize the doe to buck ratio closer to 1 to 1 to reduce the negative impact of the herd on the natural plant and animal communities in the park. We encourage all hunters to harvest at least one doe during the season at Brandywine Creek State Park.
  4. Reporting Harvested Deer at Brandywine Creek State Park
    1. All deer harvested at Brandywine Creek State Park must be reported on the sign-in/sign-out sheet located at the tag board.
    2. All deer must also be reported via the on-line or toll-free telephone reporting system as required by the Delaware Division of Fish and Wildlife.  Deer should be registered as follows:
      Land Type: Public
      County: New Castle
      Zone: 1A
      Location Type: State or County Park
      Location Description: Auburn Valley State Park
  • Please be careful, discrete and considerate around other park visitors.  Understand that many park patrons are NOT hunters and some may feel threatened by your presence.
  • Please immediately report any medical emergencies by calling 911. Report non-emergency accidents or violations of any hunting laws, rules or regulations to a park ranger or the park office.
  • By hunting in this park, you are a vital part of our “deer management team”.  White-tail deer have been shown to ecologically damage their habitat when they reach 20 deer per square mile.  In the majority of our parks, the deer herds have much greater densities than this.
  • Your harvest information is very important to us. Please submit your data accurately. Have a safe and successful hunt. 

Brandywine Creek - Flint Woods

Permitted: Deer

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2024-2025 Hunting Seasons/Hunting Rules

Refer to map for approximate locations of indicated areas.

  1. In addition to the rules and regulations found in the “Delaware Hunting and Trapping Guide: 2024-2025”, specific rules that apply to Flint Woods Nature Preserve are listed below.  Registration of all hunters participating in the Delaware State Park Hunting Program is required. The permit may be purchased via Digital DNREC or where Delaware hunting licenses are sold beginning in August 2024. Outside vendors charge an additional processing fee. You must have this permit prior to hunting. NOTE: Once obtained, this registration will be valid for hunters participating in the Delaware State Park Hunting Program at any of the nine Delaware State Parks where hunting is permitted.
    It is the hunter’s responsibility to become familiar with each park’s specific rules and regulations prior to hunting.
  2. General Hunting Rules
    1. There is NO SUNDAY HUNTING in Delaware State Parks.
    2. Failure to comply with any state laws, rules, regulations, and/or policies may result in arrest and/or suspension of all hunting privileges in Delaware State Parks.
    3. Tags shall not be pulled for any stand or pin site prior to 4:30 am. Hunters shall not enter the tag board parking area prior to 4:00 am.
    4. Use of any firearms other than compound bows, recurve bows and crossbows is prohibited.
    5. It is illegal to use or build a nailed or permanent tree stand or ladder.
    6. Use of trail cameras in Delaware State Parks is prohibited.
    7. Driving deer into and/or through hunting areas is prohibited.
    8. The clearing/cutting of vegetation to form shooting lanes or for any other purpose is prohibited.
    9. Use of Bait is prohibited in Delaware State Parks.
    10. Driving motorized vehicles off-road into fields, woods, or along trails is prohibited. No motorized hand carts or ATVs are allowed to recover harvested deer. Manual hand carts are permitted.
    11. Please park in the designated parking areas (refer to map for approximate locations).
    12. Hunters are allowed to harvest deer of either sex at Brandywine Creek State Park.
    13. State Parks are carry-in, carry-out areas. Please take any trash you accumulate with you.
  3. Deer Hunting – Archery/Crossbow Seasons
    1. Archery/crossbow hunting ONLY is permitted for deer, in season, Monday, September 2, 2024 through Saturday, February 1, 2025.
    2. Hunting is allowed from five archery-only metal ladder tree stands or a personal climbing stand, not less than ten feet above the ground, within the painted perimeter around the stand.
    3. Stand sites will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis using the self-registration tag board system. The tag board is located in the Thompson Bridge Parking Lot at Brandywine Creek State Park.
    4. Hunter orange must be worn by archery hunters at all times when dates overlap with any Statewide Gun Seasons.
  4. Reporting Harvested Deer at the Flint Woods unit of Brandywine Creek State Park
    1. All deer harvested at Flint Woods must be reported on the sign-in/sign-out sheet located at the tag board.
    2. All deer must also be registered via the on-line or toll-free telephone reporting system as required by the Delaware Division of Fish and Wildlife.  Deer should be registered as follows:

      Land Type: Public
      County: New Castle
      Zone: 1A
      Location Type: State or County Park
      Location Description: Brandywine Creek State Park


  • Please be careful, discrete and considerate around other park visitors.  Understand that many park patrons are NOT hunters and some may feel threatened by your presence.
  • Please immediately report any medical emergencies by calling 911. Report non-emergency accidents or violations of any hunting laws, rules or regulations to a park ranger or the park office.
  • By hunting in this park, you are a vital part of our “deer management team.”  White-tail deer have been shown to ecologically damage their habitat when they reach 20 deer per square mile.  In the majority of our parks, the deer herds have much greater densities than this. 
  • Your harvest information is very important to us. Please submit your data accurately. Have a safe and successful hunt.

BCSP(Flint Woods)2024-2025, Updated 03/15/2024

Cape Henlopen - Angola Neck

Permitted: Deer, Waterfowl

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2024-2025 Hunting Seasons/Hunting Rules

Refer to map for approximate locations of indicated areas.

  1. In addition to the rules and regulations found in the “Delaware Hunting and Trapping Guide: 2024-2025,” specific rules that apply to Cape Henlopen State Park (East) are listed below.  Registration of all hunters participating in the Delaware State Park Hunting Program is required. The permit may be purchased via Digital DNREC or where Delaware hunting licenses are sold beginning in August 2024. Outside vendors charge an additional processing fee. You must have this permit prior to hunting. NOTE: Once obtained, this registration will be valid for hunters participating in the Delaware State Park Hunting Program at any of the nine Delaware State Parks where hunting is permitted.
    It is the hunter’s responsibility to become familiar with each park’s specific rules and regulations prior to hunting.
  2. General Hunting Rules
    1. There is NO SUNDAY HUNTING in Delaware State Parks.
    2. Failure to comply with any state laws, rules, regulations, and/or policies may result in arrest and/or suspension of all hunting privileges in Delaware State Parks.
    3. Use of any firearms other than compound bows, recurve bows and crossbows is prohibited.
    4. It is illegal to use or build a nailed or permanent tree stand or ladder.
    5. Use of trail cameras in Delaware State Parks is prohibited.
    6. Driving deer into and/or through hunting areas is prohibited.
    7. The clearing/cutting of vegetation to form shooting lanes or for any other purpose is prohibited.
    8. Baiting is prohibited in Delaware State Parks.
    9. Driving motorized vehicles off-road into fields, woods, or along trails is prohibited. No motorized hand carts or ATVs are allowed to recover harvested deer.
    10. Park only in designated parking areas (refer to map for approximate locations).
    11. Tags may not be pulled before 4:30 am. Hunters shall not enter the tag board parking lot before 4:00 am.
    12. State Parks are carry-in, carry-out areas. Please take any trash you accumulate with you.
  3. Deer Hunting – Archery/Crossbow ONLY
    1. Permitted in season, from September 2, 2024 through February 1, 2025.
    2. Permitted during approved firearms seasons. Note that hunter orange is required during gun seasons.
    3. There are ten (10) designated archery pin sites. Seven (7) are located on the Angola Neck Tract at the south end of Camp Arrowhead Road and three (3) at the Perry Tract, accessible from Waterview Road east of its intersections with Camp Arrowhead and Bookhammer Landing Roads. Hunters using these pin sites must hunt from a portable, non-damaging tree stand from within the marked perimeter around each pin. Perimeters are indicated by individual trees marked with paint. Stands must be a minimum of 10 feet above ground level.
    4. There is one archery hunting zone located at the Angola Neck Tract on the west side of Camp Arrowhead Road. The archery zone is an island of upland surrounded by wetland. The hunter using the archery zone may hunt from a portable, non-damaging tree stand or a portable ground blind. However, a stand or blind is not required within the archery zone. There is no minimum height requirement for stands within the archery zone.
    5. Tags for the ten pins and archery zone will be available on a first-come, first-served basis on the tag board at the designated parking area for pins 1 – 4. Tags may be pulled no sooner than 4:30 am on the day of the hunt. Tags must be returned to the board whenever the hunter vacates a pin or the archery zone.
  4. All deer harvested at the Angola Neck Nature Preserve must be reported via the on-line or toll-free telephone reporting system as required by the Delaware Division of Fish and Wildlife. Deer should be reported as follows:

    Land Type: Public
    County: Sussex
    Zone: 15
    Location Type: State or County Park
    Location Description: Cape Henlopen State Park
  • Angola Neck Nature Preserve is bordered by residential neighborhoods. Please observe all private property while hunting at the Preserve.
  • Remember to make a safe and proper management decision before you shoot.
  • Have a safe and successful hunt.

CHSP(Angola Neck) 2024-2025 Updated 03/15/2024

Cape Henlopen - East

Permitted: Deer, Waterfowl

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2024-2025 Hunting Seasons/Hunting Rules

Refer to map for approximate locations of indicated areas

  1. In addition to the rules and regulations found in the Delaware Hunting and Trapping Guide: 2024-2025, specific rules that apply to Cape Henlopen State Park (East) are listed below. Registration of all hunters participating in the Delaware State Park Hunting Program is required. The permit may be purchased via Digital DNREC or where Delaware hunting licenses are sold beginning in August 2024. Outside vendors charge an additional processing fee. You must have this permit prior to hunting. NOTE: Once obtained, this registration will be valid for hunters participating in the Delaware State Park Hunting Program at any of the nine Delaware State Parks where hunting is permitted.
    It is the hunter’s responsibility to become familiar with each park’s specific rules and regulations prior to hunting.
  2. Hunting for deer is permitted in all designated areas in season from September 2, 2024 through February 1, 2025. No firearm hunting for deer is permitted prior to the special Youth/Non-Ambulatory Disabled Deer Hunt on November 2, 2024. A tag board is now located across from the Ferry Terminal on the south side of the Trail along the old railroad tracks. All hunters using a park stand must pull the tag from the tag board no earlier than 4:30 AM and fill-in information requested on the sign-in/sign-out sheet. All hunters hunting in Area A are now required to complete the information requested on the sign-in/sign-out sheet (except tag number). During gun seasons hunters in Area A must hunt from an elevated portable stand provided by the hunter.
  3. General Hunting Rules
    1. There is NO SUNDAY HUNTING in Delaware State Parks.
    2. Failure to comply with any state laws, rules, regulations, and/or policies may result in arrest and/or suspension of all hunting privileges in Delaware State Parks.
    3. Handguns are not permitted for deer hunting in Delaware State Parks.
    4. It is illegal to use or build a nailed or permanent tree stand or ladder. Portable stands must be of a type that will not damage trees. Unattended stands will be confiscated.
    5. Use of trail cameras in Delaware State Parks is prohibited.
    6. Driving deer into and/or through hunting areas is prohibited.
    7. The clearing/cutting of vegetation to form shooting lanes or for any other purpose is prohibited.
    8. Use of Bait is prohibited in Delaware State Parks.
    9. Use of buckshot is prohibited in Delaware State Parks.
    10. Driving motorized vehicles off-road into fields, woods, or along trails is prohibited. No motorized hand carts or ATVs are allowed to recover harvested deer.
    11. Park only in designated parking areas (refer to map for approximate locations).
    12. Hunters shall not enter the tag board parking lot before 4:00 am.
    13. State Parks are carry-in, carry-out areas. Please take any trash you accumulate with you.
  4. Waterfowl Hunting
    1. Waterfowl Hunting is permitted in season in area A between November 1, 2024 and January 31, 2025.
    2. Hunters may NOT construct blinds in this area.
    3. No waterfowl hunting is permitted in the Gordon’s Pond area.
  5. Deer Hunting – Archery and Crossbow Hunting
    1. Permitted in area A in season, from September 2, 2024 through February 1, 2025. Stands 1 – 5, PD1 and PD2 are for the convenience of the hunter and are not mandatory. To hunt from the PD Stands, PD1 and PD2, the hunter must have in their possession a valid disabled hunter card issued by the Delaware Division of Fish and Wildlife.
    2. There is a minimum 50-yard safety zone along all trails, except the Gordon’s Pond Trail which has a 100-yard safety zone.
    3. FOur Archery-only Stands A – D are located in the Pinelands section of the Park are available to hunters during the regular Archery season. Hunters must hunt from the stands. Ground hunting is prohibited in this area of the park. Hunters wishing to hunt from these stands must park at the designated parking area for Stand A and walk into the park if the main park gate is closed. When the main gate is open hunters using Stand B, C and D may park near the old tennis courts as indicated in the map.
    4. Archery hunting is permitted during approved firearms seasons as limited by the rules below and other applicable regulations. Note that hunter orange is required during gun seasons.
  6. Deer Hunting – Muzzleloader Season
    1. Permitted in area A, but limited to January 27 – February 1, 2025 only. There is no October Muzzleloader Season in the east section of the park.
    2. Muzzleloaders may also be used during General Firearm Seasons (see below).
    3. Designated stands are for the convenience of the hunter and are not mandatory. However, during gun seasons hunters must hunt from an elevated portable stand, provided by the hunter, at least 10 feet above the ground. Hunting from the ground during guns seasons is no longer permitted.
    4. Red fox and coyote may be harvested as incidental take with a muzzleloader while hunting for deer during the January muzzleloader season. Use of calls is prohibited.
  7. Deer Hunting – General Firearm Seasons
    1. Permitted in Area A the permanent stands PD1, PD2 and 2 – 5 in Area A ONLY during the Youth/Non-Ambulatory Disabled Deer Hunt on November 2, 2024. Permitted in Area A November 15 – November 23, 2024; December 14 – December 21, 2024 Special Antlerless and January 18 – January 25, 2025 seasons. No gun hunting is permitted until November General Firearms Season in the east section of the park.
    2. Shotguns and Muzzleloaders and straight-walled pistol-caliber rifles are permitted for use during General Firearm Seasons in Delaware State Parks south of the C&D Canal.
    3. Designated stands are for the convenience of the hunter and are not mandatory. However, during gun seasons hunters choosing not to use the wooden stands must hunt from an elevated portable stand, provided by the hunter, at least 10 feet above the ground. Hunting from the ground during guns seasons is no longer permitted.
    4. Red fox and coyote may be harvested incidentally with a SHOTGUN or MUZZLELOADER ONLY during all general firearm seasons. Use of predator calls is not permitted.
  8. All deer harvested in the East Unit of Cape Henlopen State Park must be reported via the on-line or toll-free telephone reporting system as required by the Delaware Division of Fish and Wildlife. Deer should be reported as follows:

    Land Type:Public
    Zone: 9
    Location Type: State or County Park
    Location Description: Cape Henlopen State Park
  • Please be careful, discrete and considerate around other park visitors. Understand that many park patrons are NOT hunters and some may feel threatened by your presence.
  • Please show consideration to fellow hunters.
  • Have a safe and successful hunt.

Cape East 2024-2025, Updated 06/12/2024

Cape Henlopen - Godwin Tract

Permitted: Deer, Waterfowl

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2024-2025 Hunting Seasons/Special Hunting Rules

Refer to map for approximate locations of indicated areas

  1. In addition to the rules and regulations found in the “Delaware Hunting and Trapping Guide: 2024-2025”, specific rules that apply to Cape Henlopen State Park (East) are listed below. Registration of all hunters participating in the Delaware State Park Hunting Program is required. The permit may be purchased via Digital DNREC or where Delaware hunting licenses are sold beginning in August 2024. Outside vendors charge an additional processing fee. You must have this permit prior to hunting. NOTE: Once obtained, this registration will be valid for hunters participating in the Delaware State Park Hunting Program at any of the nine Delaware State Parks where hunting is permitted.
    It is the hunter’s responsibility to become familiar with each park’s specific rules and regulations prior to hunting.
  2. General Hunting Rules
    1. There is NO SUNDAY HUNTING in Delaware State Parks.
    2. Failure to comply with any state laws, rules, regulations, and/or policies may result in arrest and/or suspension of all hunting privileges in Delaware State Parks.
    3. Handguns are not permitted for deer hunting in Delaware State Parks.
    4. It is illegal to use or build a nailed or permanent tree stand or ladder. Portable stands must be of a type that will not damage trees. Unattended stands will be confiscated.
    5. Use of trail cameras in Delaware State Parks is prohibited.
    6. Driving deer into and/or through hunting areas is prohibited.
    7. The clearing/cutting of vegetation to form shooting lanes or for any other purpose is prohibited.
    8. Use of Bait is prohibited in Delaware State Parks.
    9. Use of buckshot is prohibited in Delaware State Parks.
    10. Driving motorized vehicles off-road into fields, woods, or along trails is prohibited. No motorized hand carts or ATVs are allowed to recover harvested deer.
    11. Park only in designated parking areas (refer to map for approximate locations).
    12. State Parks are carry-in, carry-out areas. Please take any trash you accumulate with you.
    13. There is one Permanently Disabled Deer Stand and five designated pin sites. The Permanently Disabled Stand is for hunters possessing a state-issued disabled hunter card. Hunters using the five pin sites must hunt from a portable, non-damaging tree stand from within the marked 25-yard perimeter around each pin. Stands must be a minimum of 10 feet above ground level.
    14. Tags for the stand and five pins will be available on a first-come, first-served basis on the tag board at the entrance to the designated parking area. Tags may be pulled no sooner than 4:30 am on the day of the hunt.
  3. Archery and Crossbow Hunting
    1. Permitted in season, from September 2, 2024 through February 1, 2025.
    2. Permitted during approved firearms seasons Note that hunter orange is required during gun seasons.
  4. Muzzleloader Season
    1. Permitted in season October 11 – 19, 2024 and January 27 – February 1, 2025.
    2. Muzzleloaders may also be used during Shotgun Seasons (see below).
    3. Red fox and coyote may be harvested as incidental take with a muzzleloader while hunting for deer during muzzleloader seasons. Use of calls is prohibited.
  5. General Firearm Season
    1. Permitted during October 4, 5, 25 and 26, 2024 (Special Antlerless), November 2, 2024 (Youth Hunt), November 15 – 23, 2024; December 14 – December 21, 2024 (Special Antlerless) and January 18 – 25, 2025 seasons.
    2. Shotguns, Muzzleloaders and Straight-walled Pistol-caliber Rifles are the only firearms permitted for use at the Godwin Tract during general firearm deer seasons.
    3. Red fox and coyote may be harvested as incidental take with a shotgun or muzzleloader during general firearm seasons. Use of calls is prohibited.
  6. All deer harvested in the Godwin Tract of Cape Henlopen State Park must be reported via the on-line or toll-free telephone reporting system as required by the Delaware Division of Fish and Wildlife. Deer should be reported as follows:

    Land Type: Public
    County: Sussex
    Zone: 15
    Location Type: State or County Park
    Location Description: Cape Henlopen State Park
  • The Godwin Tract is bordered by residential neighborhoods. Please observe all private property while hunting on the Godwin Tract.
  • Remember to make a safe and proper management decision before you shoot.
  • Have a safe and successful hunt.
  • Failure to abide by the rules herein may result in the loss of hunting privileges in Delaware State Parks.

Cape Henlopen Godwin Tract 2024-2025, Updated 06/12/2024

Cape Henlopen - West

Permitted: Deer, Waterfowl

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2024-2025 Hunting Seasons/Special Hunting Rules

Refer to map for approximate locations of indicated areas

  1. In addition to the rules and regulations found in the Delaware Hunting and Trapping Guide: 2024-2025, specific rules that apply to Cape Henlopen State Park (West) are listed below. Registration of all hunters participating in the Delaware State Park Hunting Program is required. The permit may be purchased via Digital DNREC or where Delaware hunting licenses are sold beginning in August 2024. Outside vendors charge an additional processing fee. You must have this permit prior to hunting. NOTE: Once obtained, this registration will be valid for hunters participating in the Delaware State Park Hunting Program at any of the nine Delaware State Parks where hunting is permitted.
    It is the hunter’s responsibility to become familiar with each park’s specific rules and regulations prior to hunting.
  2. Hunting for deer is permitted in all designated areas in season from September 2, 2024 through Frbruary 1, 2025. No firearm hunting for deer is permitted prior to the special Youth/Non-Ambulatory Disabled Deer Hunt on November 2, 2024.
  3. General Hunting Rules
    1. There is NO SUNDAY HUNTING in Delaware State Parks.
    2. Failure to comply with any state laws, rules, regulations, and/or policies may result in arrest and/or suspension of all hunting privileges in Delaware State Parks.
    3. Handguns are not permitted for deer hunting in Delaware State Parks.
    4. It is illegal to use or build a nailed or permanent tree stand or ladder.
    5. Use of trail cameras in Delaware State Parks is prohibited.
    6. Driving deer into and/or through hunting areas is prohibited.
    7. The clearing/cutting of vegetation to form shooting lanes or for any other purpose is prohibited.
    8. Use of Bait is prohibited in Delaware State Parks.
    9. Use of buckshot is prohibited in Delaware State Parks.
    10. Driving motorized vehicles off-road into fields, woods, or along trails is prohibited. No motorized hand carts or ATVs are allowed to recover harvested deer.
    11. Park only in designated parking areas (refer to map for approximate locations).
    12. State Parks are carry-in, carry-out areas. Please take any trash you accumulate with you.
    13. All hunters must honor the 200-yard safety zone (100 yards on each side) along the Junction-Breakwater Trail. This area is heavily used throughout the year by the non-hunting public.
  4. Spray Irrigation Area: Sussex County will be permitting deer hunting on lands around the Wolf Neck Wastewater Treatment Plant during the 2024-25 hunting season. For more information contact Sussex County at (302) 855-7700.
  5. Waterfowl Hunting
    1. Waterfowl Hunting is permitted in season in area F. Hunters may NOT construct blinds in thise area.
    2. Waterfowl Hunting in the park is restricted to between November 1, 2024 and January 31, 2025.
  6. Deer Hunting – Archery and Crossbow Hunting
    1. Permitted at Archery Pins E1 – E6 in former Archery-only Area E, and areas F and G in season from September 2, 2024 through February 1, 2025.
    2. Hunters using Archery pins E1 – E6 must hunt from an elevated portable stand not less than 10 feet above the ground within the radius painted on trees around the central pin. Pins are available on a first come/first served basis. Tags may be pulled from the tag board located in the parking lot on Wolfe Neck Road no earlier than 4:30 AM. Hunters must sign in and out at the tag board when taking and returning tags.
    3. All areas labeled G are Archery/Crossbow ONLY areas. In area G, Archers must hunt at least 100 yards from the Junction-Breakwater Trail.
    4. Permitted during firearms seasons. Note that hunter orange is required during gun seasons, including in the archery and crossbow only areas.
  7. Deer Hunting – Muzzleloader Season
    1. Permitted in area F for the October 11-19, 2024 and January 27 – February 1, 2025 seasons
    2. Hunters must hunt from an elevated portable stand, provided by the hunter, not less than 10 feet above the ground during all gun seasons.
    3. Red fox and coyote may be harvested as incidental take with a muzzleloader while hunting for deer during muzzleloader seasons. Use of calls is prohibited.
  8. Deer Hunting – General Firearm Seasons
    1. Permitted in area F ONLY including the, Youth/Non-Ambulatory Disabled Deer Hunt November 2, 2024, November 15 – November 23, 2024, December 14 – December 21, 2024 Special Antlerless and January 18 – January 25, 2025 seasons.
    2. Shotguns, muzzleloaders and straight-walled pistol-caliber rifles are permitted for use during the general firearm deer seasons in Area F section of Cape Henlopen State Park..
    3. Hunters must hunt from an elevated portable stand, provided by the hunter, not less than 10 feet above the ground during all gun seasons.
    4. Red fox and coyote may be harvested as incidental take with a shotgun or muzzleloader while hunting for deer during general firearm seasons. Use of calls is prohibited.
  9. All deer harvested in the West Unit of Cape Henlopen State Park must be reported via the on-line or toll-free telephone reporting system as required by the Delaware Division of Fish and Wildlife. Deer should be reported as follows:
    Land Type: Public
    County: Sussex
    Zone: 9
    Location Type: State or County Park
    Location Description: Cape Henlopen State Park
  • Please be careful, discrete and considerate around other park visitors. Understand that many park patrons are NOT hunters and some may feel threatened by your presence. Please show consideration to fellow hunters.

Cape West 2024-2025, Updated 06/12/2024

Delaware Seashore

Permitted: Deer, Waterfowl

Show More

2024-2025 Hunting Seasons Rules

Refer to map for approximate locations of indicated areas

  1. In addition to the rules and regulations found in the Delaware Hunting and Trapping Guide: 2024-2025, specific rules that apply to the Delaware Seashore State Park are listed below. Registration of all hunters participating in the Delaware State Park Hunting Program is required. The permit may be purchased via Digital DNREC or where Delaware hunting licenses are sold beginning in August 2024. Outside vendors charge an additional processing fee. You must have this permit prior to hunting. NOTE: Once obtained, this registration will be valid for hunters participating in the Delaware State Park Hunting Program at any of the nine Delaware State Parks where hunting is permitted.
    It is the hunter’s responsibility to become familiar with each park’s specific rules and regulations prior to hunting.
  2. General Hunting Rules
    1. There is NO SUNDAY HUNTING in Delaware State Parks.
    2. Failure to comply with any state laws, rules, regulations, and/or policies may result in arrest and/or suspension of all hunting privileges in Delaware State Parks.
    3. Handguns are not permitted for deer hunting in Delaware State Parks.
    4. It is illegal to use or build a nailed or permanent tree stand or ladder. Portable stands must be of a type that will not damage trees. Unattended stands will be confiscated.
    5. Use of trail cameras in Delaware State Parks is prohibited.
    6. Driving deer into and /or through hunting areas is prohibited.
    7. The clearing /cutting of vegetation to form shooting lanes or for any other purpose is prohibited.
    8. Use of Bait is prohibited in Delaware State Parks.
    9. Use of buckshot is prohibited in Delaware State Parks.
    10. Driving motorized vehicles off-road into fields, woods, or along trails is prohibited. No motorized hand carts or ATVs are allowed to recover harvested deer. E-bikes may be used on state park trails that allow bicycles. Bicycles, including E-bikes may not be ridden on paths from state park trails to the deer stand, pin or archery zone. Manual deer carts are authorized for use.
    11. Park only in the designated parking areas (refer to map for approximate locations).
    12. State Parks are carry-in, carry-out areas. Please take any trash you accumulate with you.
  3. Waterfowl Hunting
    1. Waterfowl hunting, in season, is permitted from November 1, 2024 through January 31, 2025.
    2. Hunters must hunt from one of 16 designated and numbered blind sites only. No exceptions. Blind sites are located on Rehoboth and Indian River Bays and are designated by brown and white signs. Boat blinds may be used, but must be within 10 yards of the designated blind site sign. Hunting in open water boat blinds must be a minimum of 1500 feet from designated blind sites in accordance with Delaware Division of Fish and Wildlife regulations.
    3. Use of blind sites will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Hunters may build GRASS BLINDS for these sites after August 10, 2024. The Division of Parks and Recreation is not liable for blinds built on park property. Vegetation may not be cut from State Park property. Phragmites and Chinese Silver Grass (Miscanthus) can NOT be used for blind construction.
    4. NOTE: Waterfowl seasons are determined by the Delaware Division of Fish & Wildlife and approved by the United States Fish & Wildlife Service. Dates are available in the “Delaware Hunting and Trapping Guide: 2024-2025”
  4. Deer Hunting – Archery/Crossbow
    1. Permitted on Burtons Island Only September 2, 2024 to February 1, 2025.
    2. Archers must hunt from an elevated portable, non-damaging tree stand when firearm hunting is occurring on Burtons Island. Archers are required to wear hunter orange during all firearm seasons.
  5. Deer Hunting – Muzzleloader
    1. Permitted on Burtons Island Only January 22 – February 1, 2025.
    2. Hunters must hunt from an elevated portable stand, provided by the hunter, at least 10 feet above the ground. Hunting from the ground during guns seasons is no longer permitted.
    3. Red fox and coyote may be harvested as incidental take with a muzzleloader while hunting for deer during the January muzzleloader season. Use of calls is prohibited.
  6. Deer Hunting – General Firearm Seasons
    1. Permitted on Burtons Island Only, Youth/Non-ambulatory Disable Deer Hunt November 2, 2024, November 15 – November 23, 2024, December 14 – December 21, 2024 Special Antlerless and January 18 – January 25, 2025 seasons.
    2. Shotguns, muzzleloaders and straight-walled pistol-caliber rifles are permitted for hunting in state parks south of the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal where gun hunting is permitted.
    3. Hunters must hunt from an elevated portable stand, provided by the hunter, at least 10 feet above the ground. Hunting from the ground during guns seasons is no longer permitted.
    4. Red fox and coyote may be harvested as incidental take with a shotgun or muzzleloader while hunting for deer during general firearm seasons. Use of calls is prohibited.
  7. Deer harvest data is an important tool for state natural resource managers. Accurate data is essential to help us manage the deer herd in Delaware State Parks and the State Parks hunting program. All deer harvested on Burtons Island in Delaware Seashore State Park must be reported via the on-line or toll-free telephone reporting system as required by the Delaware Division of Fish and Wildlife. Deer should be reported as follows:

    Land Type: Public
    County: Sussex
    Zone: 15
    Location Type: State or County Park
    Location Description: Delaware Seashore State Park
  • Please be careful, discrete and considerate around other park visitors. Understand that many park patrons are NOT hunters and some may feel threatened by your presence. Have a safe and successful hunt.

Delaware Seashore 2024-2025 – Updated 06/12/2024

Delaware Seashore - Fresh Pond

Permitted: Deer, Waterfowl

Show More

2024-2025 Hunting Season Fresh Pond Tract Rules

Refer to map for approximate locations of indicated areas

  1. In addition to the rules and regulations found in the Delaware Hunting and Trapping Guide: 2024-2025, specific rules that apply to the Fresh Pond Tract are listed below. Registration of all hunters participating in the Delaware State Park Hunting Program is required. The permit may be purchased via Digital DNREC or where Delaware hunting licenses are sold beginning in August 2024. Outside vendors charge an additional processing fee. You must have this permit prior to hunting. NOTE: Once obtained, this registration will be valid for hunters participating in the Delaware State Park Hunting Program at any of the nine Delaware State Parks where hunting is permitted.
    It is the hunter’s responsibility to become familiar with each park’s specific rules and regulations prior to hunting.
  2. General Hunting Rules
    1. There is NO SUNDAY HUNTING in Delaware State Parks.
    2. Failure to comply with any state laws, rules, regulations, and/or policies may result in arrest and/or suspension of all hunting privileges in Delaware State Parks.
    3. Handguns are not permitted for deer hunting in Delaware State Parks.
    4. It is illegal to use or build a nailed or permanent tree stand or ladder. Portable stands must be of a type that will not damage trees. Unattended stands will be confiscated.
    5. Use of trail cameras in Delaware State Parks is prohibited.
    6. Driving deer into and /or through hunting areas is prohibited.
    7. The clearing /cutting of vegetation to form shooting lanes or for any other purpose is prohibited.
    8. Use of Bait is prohibited in Delaware State Parks.
    9. Use of buckshot is prohibited in Delaware State Parks.
    10. Driving motorized vehicles off-road into fields, woods, or along trails is prohibited. No motorized hand carts or ATVs are allowed to recover harvested deer. E-bikes may be used on state park trails that allow bicycles. Bicycles, including E-bikes may not be ridden on paths from state park trails to the deer stand, pin or archery zone. Manual deer carts are authorized for use.
    11. Park only in the designated parking areas (refer to map for approximate locations).
    12. State Parks are carry-in, carry-out areas. Please take any trash you accumulate with you.
  3. Deer Hunting – Archery/Crossbow Hunting
    1. Permitted September 2, 2024 – February 1, 2025.
    2. Note the areas marked Zone A & C on the map are Archery/Crossbow Only areas. Self-registration is by Zone and is on a first-come, first-served basis.
    3. In Hunting Zone B, self-registration for stands #1 -10 is on a first-come, first-served basis. Stand #1 is for use ONLY by hunters possessing a Permanently Disabled Hunter card issued by the Delaware Division of Fish and Wildlife.
    4. Hunters must sign in and sign out on the registration board at the parking lot off of Hickman Road.
    5. These stands are for your convenience and are not mandatory. Archery hunters may hunt from a portable stand or from the ground throughout the zone so long as it is not within 50 yards of a trail or road.
    6. Portable stands must be of a type that will not damage trees. Unattended stands will be confiscated.
    7. There is no archery/crossbow hunting in Zone B during gun seasons.
    8. Note the 50 yard Safety Zones along the trails throughout the park as well as near occupied dwellings.
  4. Deer Hunting – Muzzleloader and General Firearm Seasons
    1. Due to increased park use by the public, the first gun season will begin with the November Shotgun Season. As a result, the October Antlerless Shotgun dates and the October Muzzleloader Seasons are closed.
    2. Open during permitted seasons from designated stands #1-10 only, November 15 – November 23, 2024, December 14 – December 21, 2024 (Special Antlerless), January 18 – January 25, 2025 and January 27 – February 1, 2025 (Muzzleloader).
    3. Self-registration is on a first-come, first-served basis. Hunters must sign in and sign out on the registration board re-located to the Hickman Road entrance. Sign-in sheets and tags will be distributed at 5 a.m. during shotgun season. Stand #1 is for use ONLY by hunters possessing a Permanently Disabled Hunter card issued by the Delaware Division of Fish and Wildlife.
    4. Hunting is prohibited within 50 yards of any park trail. The clearing/cutting of vegetation to form shooting lanes or for any other purpose is prohibited.
    5. Shotguns, muzzleloaders and straight-walled pistol-caliber rifles are permitted for use during the general firearm deer seasons.
    6. Red fox and coyote may be harvested as incidental take with a muzzleloader while hunting for deer during the January muzzleloader season, and with a shotgun or muzzleloader during general firearm seasons. Use of calls is prohibited.
  5. All deer harvested in the Fresh Pond Unit of Delaware Seashore State Park must be reported via the on-line or toll-free telephone reporting system as required by the Delaware Division of Fish and Wildlife. Deer should be reported as follows:

    Land Type: Public
    County: Sussex
    Zone: 17
    Location Type: State or County Park
    Location Description: Delaware Seashore State Park
  • Please be careful, discrete and considerate around other park visitors. Understand that many park patrons are NOT hunters and some may feel threatened by your presence.
  • Please show consideration to fellow hunters.
  • Have a safe and successful hunt.

DSSPFreshPond 2024-25, Updated 6/12/2024

Delaware Seashore - Thompson Island

Permitted: Deer, Waterfowl

Show More

2024-2025 Hunting Season Thompson Island Rules

Refer to map for approximate locations of indicated areas

  1. In addition to the rules and regulations found in the Delaware Hunting and Trapping Guide: 2024-2025, specific rules that apply to the Fresh Pond Tract are listed below. Registration of all hunters participating in the Delaware State Park Hunting Program is required. The permit may be purchased via Digital DNREC or where Delaware hunting licenses are sold beginning in August 2024. Outside vendors charge an additional processing fee. You must have this permit prior to hunting. NOTE: Once obtained, this registration will be valid for hunters participating in the Delaware State Park Hunting Program at any of the nine Delaware State Parks where hunting is permitted.
    It is the hunter’s responsibility to become familiar with each park’s specific rules and regulations prior to hunting.

  2. General Hunting Rules
    1. There is NO SUNDAY HUNTING in Delaware State Parks.
    2. Failure to comply with any state laws, rules, regulations, and/or policies may result in arrest and/or suspension of all hunting privileges in Delaware State Parks.
    3. Handguns are not permitted for deer hunting in Delaware State Parks.
    4. It is illegal to use or build a nailed or permanent tree stand or ladder. Portable stands must be of a type that will not damage trees. Unattended stands will be confiscated.
    5. Use of trail cameras in Delaware State Parks is prohibited.
    6. Driving deer into and /or through hunting areas is prohibited.
    7. The clearing /cutting of vegetation to form shooting lanes or for any other purpose is prohibited.
    8. Use of Bait is prohibited in Delaware State Parks.
    9. Use of buckshot is prohibited in Delaware State Parks.
    10. Driving motorized vehicles off-road into fields, woods, or along trails is prohibited. No motorized hand carts or ATVs are allowed to recover harvested deer. E-bikes may be used on state park trails that allow bicycles. Bicycles, including E-bikes may not be ridden on paths from state park trails to the deer stand, pin or archery zone. Manual deer carts are authorized for use.
    11. Park only in the designated parking areas (refer to map for approximate locations).
    12. State Parks are carry-in, carry-out areas. Please take any trash you accumulate with you.
  3. Deer Hunting – Archery/Crossbow Seasons
    1. Archery/crossbow hunting ONLY is permitted for deer, in season, Monday through Thursday, December 2, 2024 through January 30, 2025.
    2. Hunting only allowed from the wooden PD Stand or a portable non-damaging tree stand (provided by the hunter), not less than 10 feet above ground level, within the perimeter marked with paint on trees around a central numbered pin. The PD Stand is for use ONLY by hunters possessing a Permanently Disabled Hunter card issued by the Delaware Division of Fish and Wildlife.
    3. The PD stand and Pin sites will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis using the self-registration tag board system. The tag board is located in the parking lot at the end of Bay Road.
    4. Bicycles, including E-bikes are not permitted on the trail at Thompson Island.
    5. It is illegal to use or build a nailed or permanent tree stand or ladder. Portable stands must be of a type that will not damage trees. Unattended stands will be confiscated.
    6. Hunter orange shall be worn in accordance with Delaware Division of Fish and Wildlife regulations during gun seasons.
  4. All deer harvested in the Fresh Pond Unit of Delaware Seashore State Park must be reported via the on-line or toll-free telephone reporting system as required by the Delaware Division of Fish and Wildlife. Deer should be reported as follows:

    Land Type: Public
    County: Sussex
    Zone: 15
    Location Type: State or County Park
    Location Description: Delaware Seashore State Park
  5. Hunting for waterfowl, rabbit, quail and dove is not permitted.
  • Please be careful, discrete and considerate around other park visitors. Understand that many park patrons are NOT hunters and some may feel threatened by your presence.
  • By hunting in this park, you are a vital part of our “deer management team”. White-tail deer have been shown to ecologically damage their habitat when they reach 20 deer per square mile. In the majority of our parks, the deer herds have much greater densities than this.
  • Your harvest information is very important to us. Please submit your data accurately. Have a safe and successful hunt.

Thompson Island 2024-25, Updated 5/2/2024

Holts Landing

Permitted: Deer

Show More

2024-2025 Hunting Season Rules

Refer to map for approximate locations of indicated areas

  1. In addition to the rules and regulations found in the Delaware Hunting and Trapping Guide: 2024-2025, specific rules that apply to Holts Landing State Park are listed below. Registration of all hunters participating in the Delaware State Park Hunting Program is required. The permit may be purchased via Digital DNREC or where Delaware hunting licenses are sold beginning in August 2024. Outside vendors charge an additional processing fee. You must have this permit prior to hunting. NOTE: Once obtained, this registration will be valid for hunters participating in the Delaware State Park Hunting Program at any of the nine Delaware State Parks where hunting is permitted.
    It is the hunter’s responsibility to become familiar with each park’s specific rules and regulations prior to hunting.
  2. General Hunting Rules
    1. There is NO SUNDAY HUNTING in Delaware State Parks.
    2. Failure to comply with any state laws, rules, regulations, and/or policies may result in arrest and/or suspension of all hunting privileges in Delaware State Parks.
    3. Handguns are not permitted for deer hunting in Delaware State Parks.
    4. It is illegal to use or build a nailed or permanent tree stand or ladder. Portable stands must be of a type that will not damage trees. Unattended stands will be confiscated.
    5. Use of trail cameras in Delaware State Parks is prohibited.
    6. Driving deer into and /or through hunting areas is prohibited.
    7. The clearing /cutting of vegetation to form shooting lanes or for any other purpose is prohibited.
    8. Use of Bait is prohibited in Delaware State Parks.
    9. Use of buckshot is prohibited in Delaware State Parks.
    10. Driving motorized vehicles off-road into fields, woods, or along trails is prohibited. No motorized hand carts or ATVs are allowed to recover harvested deer. E-bikes may be used on state park trails that allow bicycles. Bicycles, including E-bikes may not be ridden on paths from state park trails to the deer stand, pin or archery zone. Manual deer carts are authorized for use.
    11. Park only in the designated parking areas (refer to map for approximate locations).
    12. State Parks are carry-in, carry-out areas. Please take any trash you accumulate with you.
  3. Deer Hunting – Archery/Crossbow Seasons
    1. Archery/crossbow hunting ONLY is permitted for deer, in season and in designated areas from Monday, October 14, 2024 through Saturday, February 1, 2025.
    2. Hunters shall hunt from one of three (3) accessible deer stands or the designated archery zone. Each stand and the archery zone shall be occupied by only one hunter. Mentored hunting is allowed, but only one member shall carry a bow/crossbow and actively hunt at a time.
    3. The three (3) stands and the archery zone shall be filled on a first-come, first-served basis using the self-registration tag board. The tag board is located on the back of the trailhead kiosk near the designated hunter parking.
  4. All deer harvested at Holts Landing State Park must be reported via the on-line or toll-free telephone reporting system as required by the Delaware Division of Fish and Wildlife. Deer should be reported as follows:

    Land Type: Public
    County: Sussex
    Zone: 17
    Location Type: State or County Park
    Location Description: Holts Landing State Park
  5. Hunting for waterfowl, rabbit, quail and dove is not permitted.
  • Please be careful, discrete and considerate around other park visitors. Understand that many park patrons are NOT hunters and some may feel threatened by your presence.
  • By hunting in this park, you are a vital part of our “deer management team”. White-tail deer have been shown to ecologically damage their habitat when they reach 20 deer per square mile. In the majority of our parks, the deer herds have much greater densities than this.
  • Your harvest information is very important to us. Please submit your data accurately. Have a safe and successful hunt.

Holts Landing 2024-2025, Updated 05/02/2024

Killens Pond

Permitted: Deer

Show More

2024-2025 Hunting Season Rules

Refer to map for approximate locations of indicated areas

  1. In addition to the rules and regulations found in the “Delaware Hunting and Trapping Guide: 2024-2025”, specific rules that apply to Killens Pond State Park are listed below. Registration of all hunters participating in the Delaware State Park Hunting Program is required. The permit may be purchased via Digital DNREC or where Delaware hunting licenses are sold beginning in August 2024. Outside vendors charge an additional processing fee. You must have this permit prior to hunting. NOTE: Once obtained, this registration will be valid for hunters participating in the Delaware State Park Hunting Program at any of the nine Delaware State Parks where hunting is permitted.
    It is the hunter’s responsibility to become familiar with each park’s specific rules and regulations prior to hunting.
  2. If you plan to hunt at Killens Pond State Park, regardless of where you purchase your State Park Hunting Permit, you must appear in person at the Killens Pond State Park office during business hours prior to hunting to sign the archery hunting registration form. The park office is open daily April 1 – October 31, 8 am to 4pm, and weekdays November 1 to March 31 8 am to 4 pm.
  3. General Hunting Rules
    1. There is NO SUNDAY HUNTING in Delaware State Parks.
    2. Failure to comply with any state laws, rules, regulations, and/or policies may result in arrest and/or suspension of all hunting privileges in Delaware State Parks.
    3. Handguns are not permitted for deer hunting in Delaware State Parks.
    4. It is illegal to use or build a nailed or permanent tree stand or ladder. Portable stands must be of a type that will not damage trees. Unattended stands will be confiscated.
    5. Use of trail cameras in Delaware State Parks is prohibited.
    6. Driving deer into and /or through hunting areas is prohibited.
    7. The clearing /cutting of vegetation to form shooting lanes or for any other purpose is prohibited.
    8. Use of Bait is prohibited in Delaware State Parks.
    9. Use of buckshot is prohibited in Delaware State Parks.
    10. Driving motorized vehicles off-road into fields, woods, or along trails is prohibited. No motorized hand carts or ATVs are allowed to recover harvested deer. E-bikes may be used on state park trails that allow bicycles. Bicycles, including E-bikes may not be ridden on paths from state park trails to the deer stand, pin or archery zone. Manual deer carts are authorized for use.
    11. Park only in the designated parking areas (refer to map for approximate locations).
    12. State Parks are carry-in, carry-out areas. Please take any trash you accumulate with you.
    13. Hunting is only allowed at 17 designated pin sites and one permanently disabled hunting stand (refer to map for approximate locations). Each pin site includes a metal ladder stand within a perimeter marked with paint on trees around the stand. Hunters may, at their own risk, hunt from the existing ladder stand or a portable non-damaging tree stand provided by the hunter, not less than 10 feet above ground level placed within the marked perimeter.
    14. Pin sites and the permanently disabled stand will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis using the self-registration tag board system. Hunters using the permanently disabled stand must have in their possession a valid disabled hunter card issued by the Delaware Division of Fish and Wildlife. The tag board is located in the parking lot at the Dog Training Area on Paradise Alley Road. No tag may be removed prior to 4:30 am. Tags must be returned to board anytime a hunter leaves the stand.
    15. Only one hunter with a single permitted firearm (including archery equipment) is allowed in a stand or blind at one time.
    16. Hunters are allowed to harvest antlerless deer and quality bucks only in Killens Pond State Park. Quality Buck tags may only be used on an antlered deer with an outside antler spread of at least 15 inches. The distance between the tips of a deer’s ears when both ears are held straight out from the head in the “alert” position is approximately 15 inches so a deer in which this tag would be applicable would generally need to have antlers that are at least as wide as the space between his ear tips.
  4. Archery/Crossbow Seasons
    1. Permitted in season and in accordance with Delaware state laws, regulations, and rules, September 2, 2024 – February 1, 2025. Archery hunting is allowed from all pin locations.
    2. Hunter orange must be worn by archery hunters at all times when dates overlap with any Statewide Gun Seasons.
    3. No arrows or bolts may be nocked prior to hunting in tree stand. No cocked crossbows are allowed prior to hunting in tree stand. Spot and stalk hunting is prohibited.
    4. Hunters may hunt from a portable ground blind within the marked perimeter with a long, recurved or compound bow or crossbow.
  5. General Firearm Hunting
    1. Permitted in season and in accordance with Delaware state laws, regulations, and rules, November 15 – November 23, 2024; December 14 – December 21, 2024 Special Antlerless and January 18 – January 25, 2025. Gun hunting permitted ONLY at pins 1 – 15, including PD4. Pins 16 – 18 are archery-only pins. Gun hunting is prohibited at pins 16 – 18.
    2. Muzzleloaders may be used during shotgun seasons.
    3. Shotguns, muzzleloaders and straight-walled pistol-caliber rifles are permitted during the general firearm seasons. The use of buckshot is prohibited.
    4. There is no shotgun hunting during the October season.
    5. Guns shall not be loaded until hunter is in the stand. Spot and stalk hunting is prohibited.
    6. Red fox and coyote may be harvested as incidental take with a shotgun or muzzleloader during general firearm seasons. Use of calls is prohibited.
  6. All deer harvested at Killens Pond State Park must be reported on the sign-in/sign-out sheet at the tag board and registered, via the on-line or toll-free reporting system, as required by the Division of Fish and Wildlife. Deer should be reported as follows:

    Land Type: Public
    County: Kent
    Zone: 8
    Location Type: State or County Park
    Location Description: Killens Pond State Park
  • Please be careful, discrete and considerate around other park visitors. Understand that many park patrons are NOT hunters and some may feel threatened by your presence.
  • By hunting in this park, you are a vital part of our “deer management team”. White-tail deer have been shown to ecologically damage their habitat when they exceed 20 deer per square mile. In the majority of our parks, the deer herds reach much greater densities.
  • Your harvest information is very important to us. Please submit your data accurately.
  • State Parks are carry-in, carry-out areas. Please take any trash you accumulate with you.
  • No Trespassing on neighboring private property.
  • Have a safe and successful hunt.

Killens Pond 2024-2025, Updated 06/12/2024

Lums Pond

Permitted: Deer

Show More

2024-2025 Hunting Season Rules

Refer to map for approximate locations of indicated areas

  1. In addition to the rules and regulations found in the Delaware Hunting and Trapping Guide: 2024-2025, specific rules that apply to Lums Pond State Park are listed below. Registration of all hunters participating in the Delaware State Park Hunting Program is required. The permit may be purchased via Digital DNREC or where Delaware hunting licenses are sold beginning in August 2024. Outside vendors charge an additional processing fee. You must have this permit prior to hunting. NOTE: Once obtained, this registration will be valid for hunters participating in the Delaware State Park Hunting Program at any of the nine Delaware State Parks where hunting is permitted.
    It is the hunter’s responsibility to become familiar with each park’s specific rules and regulations prior to hunting.
  2. There is no small game, dove or waterfowl hunting at Lums Pond State Park.
  3. There is no early (October) muzzleloader or general firearm seasons, January handgun season, or January muzzleloader season at Lums Pond State Park.
  4. Mentored hunting is permitted, with no more than one hunter and one mentor for any single stand or zone tag. Only one bow, crossbow or firearm is permitted with each stand or zone tag.
  5. General Hunting Rules
    1. There is NO SUNDAY HUNTING in Delaware State Parks.
    2. Failure to comply with any state laws, rules, regulations, and/or policies may result in arrest and/or suspension of all hunting privileges in Delaware State Parks.
    3. Handguns are not permitted for deer hunting in Delaware State Parks.
    4. Straight-walled pistol caliber rifles are not permitted for deer hunting in Delaware State Parks north of the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal.
    5. It is illegal to use or build a nailed or permanent tree stand or ladder. Portable stands must be of a type that will not damage trees. Unattended stands will be confiscated.
    6. Use of trail cameras in Delaware State Parks is prohibited.
    7. Driving deer into and/or through hunting areas is prohibited.
    8. The clearing/cutting of vegetation to form shooting lanes or for any other purpose is prohibited.
    9. Use of Bait is prohibited in Delaware State Parks.
    10. Use of buckshot is prohibited in Delaware State Parks.
    11. Driving motorized vehicles off-road into fields, woods, or along trails is prohibited. No motorized hand carts or ATVs are allowed to recover harvested deer. E-bikes may be used on state park trails that allow bicycles. Bicycles, including E-bikes may not be ridden on paths from state park trails to the deer stand, pin or archery zone. Manual deer carts are authorized for use
    12. Park only in the designated parking areas (refer to map for approximate locations).
    13. Hunters shall not enter the tag board parking lot before 4:00 am. Tags may not be pulled prior to 4:30 am.
    14. State Parks are carry-in, carry-out areas. Please take any trash you accumulate with you.
  6. Deer Hunting – Archery/Crossbow Season
    1. Permitted, in season, in Zones A, B, C, W, X, Y, and Z, from September 2, 2024 to February 1, 2025.
    2. Within Zone Z, five stands (Z1 – Z5) are available on a first-come, first-serve basis for hunter safety and convenience. Use of these stands is mandatory. Hunting outside of the stands in Zone Z is not permitted. Refer to the Lums Pond State Park Hunting Map for the approximate locations of the trails to the archery stands. Only archery/crossbow hunting is permitted in Zones W, X, Y, and Z.
    3. Within Zone D, four stands (D1 – D4) are available on a first-come, first-serve basis for hunter safety and convenience. Archery hunters may hunt from the ground within the painted perimeter around the stand.
    4. Within Zone B eight stands (B1 – B8) are available on a first-come, first-serve basis for hunter safety and convenience. Archery hunters may hunt from the ground within the painted perimeter around the stand.
    5. During archery/crossbow seasons, hunting is prohibited within 50 yards of any park trail due to increased visitor usage throughout the park. As a rule of thumb, hunters should not be visible from trails.
    6. Hunter orange must be worn by archery hunters at all times when dates overlap with any Statewide Gun Seasons.
  7. Deer Hunting – General Firearm Season
    1. Permitted, in season, in Zones A, B, C, and D. Seasons are as follows:
    2. November 15 – November 23, 2024
    3. December 14 – December 21, 2024 (Antlerless)
    4. January 18 – January 25, 2025
    5. Within Zone B eight stands (B1 – B8) are available on a first-come, first-serve basis for hunter safety and convenience. Use of these stands is mandatory. Hunting outside of the stands in Zone B is not permitted.
    6. Within Zone D, four stands (D1 – D4) are available on a first-come, first-serve basis for hunter safety and convenience. Use of these stands is mandatory. Hunting outside of the stands in Zone D is not permitted. Only archery/crossbow hunting is permitted in Zones W, X, Y, and Z.
    7. All hunters must hunt from an elevated portable stand, provided by the hunter, not less than 10 feet above the ground during all gun seasons. Ground hunting during gun seasons is no longer permitted.
    8. Shotguns and muzzleloaders are the only permitted firearms during general firearm seasons.
    9. Red fox and coyote may be harvested as incidental take with a shotgun or muzzleloader during general firearm seasons. Use of calls is prohibited.
  8. Hunters (both archery/crossbow and shotgun) must register at the tag board in the R. C. Field. All hunters are required to sign out a tag for the area or stand he/she will be hunting in, before entering the hunting area. The tag must be displayed on the dashboard of the hunter’s vehicle. Tags must be returned and the hunter must sign out when the hunter leaves their hunting area for any reason. Tags may not be removed from the board until 4:30 AM daily. Failure to comply with these rules will result in revocation of park hunting privileges.
  9. One ground blind designated as PDB is designated for hunters who possess a valid disabled hunter certification card issued by the Delaware Division of Fish and Wildlife. You must be registered as Permanently Disabled to use the blind. To register you must contact the Lums Pond Park Office (302) 368-6989.
  10. Hunting or shooting from Lums Pond or over the pond is strictly prohibited.
  11. During general firearm seasons hunting is prohibited within 15 yards of any park trail. While trails are closed during all shotgun deer seasons, other park users sometimes enter upon the trails. Be aware of your target and what is beyond it.
  12. All deer harvested at Lums Pond State Park must be reported on the sign-in/sign-out sheet at the tag board and registered, via the on-line or toll-free reporting system, as required by the Division of Fish and Wildlife. Deer should be reported as follows:

    Land Type: Public
    County: New Castle
    Zone: 1B
    Location Type: State or County Park
    Location Description: Lums Pond State Park
  13. The possession and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages or drugs are strictly prohibited.
  14. The main park entrance gate on Howell School Road opens to the public at 8:00 a.m. and closes at sunset. (Daily sunset times can be found at Dependent upon ongoing construction, weather, or other factors, one or more areas may be closed. For updated information, contact the park office at (302) 368-6989 or visit the Delaware state parks website at Please report any hunting violations immediately by calling 1-800-523-3336.
  • Please be careful, discrete and considerate around other park visitors. Understand that many park patrons are NOT hunters and some may feel threatened by your presence.
  • Deer remain in moderate numbers in the park. By hunting in Lums Pond, you are a vital part of our “deer management team”.
  • Proper management of Lums’ deer herd is simple: we must harvest does and let more yearling and button bucks walk away to balance the herd’s sex ratio to increase the number of mature males. Make a proper management decision before you shoot.
  • Your harvest information is very important to us. Please submit your data accurately.
  • No Trespassing on neighboring private property.
  • Have a safe and successful hunt.

Lums Pond 2024-2025, Updated 06/12/2024

Lums Pond - Sunset Lake

Permitted: Deer

Show More

2024-2025 Hunting Season Rules

Refer to map for approximate locations of indicated areas.

  1. In addition to the rules and regulations found in the “Delaware Hunting and Trapping Guide: 2024-2025”, specific rules that apply to Lums Pond State Park are listed below. Registration of all hunters participating in the Delaware State Park Hunting Program is required. The permit may be purchased via Digital DNREC or where Delaware hunting licenses are sold beginning in August 2024. Outside vendors charge an additional processing fee. You must have this permit prior to hunting. NOTE: Once obtained, this registration will be valid for hunters participating in the Delaware State Park Hunting Program at any of the nine Delaware State Parks where hunting is permitted.
    It is the hunter’s responsibility to become familiar with each park’s specific rules and regulations prior to hunting.
  2. Hunting is prohibited until September 2, 2024
  3. There is no small game, dove or waterfowl hunting at Sunset Lake.
  4. Mentored hunting is permitted, with no more than one hunter and one mentor for any single tag. Only one bow or crossbow is permitted at each tag site.
  5. General Hunting Rules
    1. There is NO SUNDAY HUNTING in Delaware State Parks.
    2. Failure to comply with any state laws, rules, regulations, and/or policies may result in arrest and/or suspension of all hunting privileges in Delaware State Parks.
    3. Use of any firearms other than compound and recurve bows and crossbows is prohibited.
    4. It is illegal to use or build a nailed or permanent tree stand or ladder.
    5. Use of trail cameras in Delaware State Parks is prohibited.
    6. Driving deer into and/or through hunting areas is prohibited.
    7. The clearing/cutting of vegetation to form shooting lanes or for any other purpose is prohibited.
    8. Use of Bait is prohibited in Delaware State Parks.
    9. Driving motorized vehicles off-road into fields, woods, or along trails is prohibited. No motorized hand carts or ATVs are allowed to recover harvested deer. E-bikes may be used on state park trails that allow bicycles. Bicycles, including E-bikes may not be ridden on paths from state park trails to the deer stand, pin or archery zone. Manual deer carts are authorized for use
    10. Park only in the designated parking areas (refer to map for approximate locations).
    11. State Parks are carry-in, carry-out areas. Please take any trash you accumulate with you.
  6. Deer Hunting – Archery/Crossbow Seasons
    1. Archery/crossbow hunting ONLY is permitted for deer, in season, Wednesday, September 2, 2024 through Monday, February 1, 2025.
    2. There is NO SUNDAY HUNTING in Delaware State Parks.
    3. If you plan to hunt at Sunset Lake, regardless of where you purchase your State Park Hunting Permit, you must appear in person at the Lums Pond State Park office during business hours prior to hunting to sign the archery hunting registration form. The park office is open daily April 1 – October 31, 8 am to 4 pm, and Weekdays November 1 to March 31, 8 am to 4 pm.
    4. Hunter orange must be worn by archery hunters at all times when dates overlap with any Statewide Gun Seasons.
    5. There are ten archery pin sites. Hunting at the ten pin sites is allowed from a portable non-damaging tree stand (provided by the hunter), not less than 10 feet above ground level, or from the ground within the perimeter marked with paint on trees around a central numbered pin during archery hunting seasons. During the regular state gun-hunting seasons hunters shall only hunt from an elevated tree stand. Ground hunting is not permitted during gun seasons. Unattended portable stands shall be confiscated.
    6. Pin sites will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis using the self-registration tag board system. The tag board is located at the parking lot located off of RT 72 just south of Reybold Road.
    7. To access Pins 1- 4 and 10 hunters must park in the parking lot where the tag board is located.
  7. All deer harvested at Sunset Lake must be reported on the sign-in/sign-out sheet at the tag board at Sunset Lake. When registering your deer via the on-line or toll-free reporting system, as required by the Division of Fish and Wildlife, deer should be registered as follows:
    Land Type: Public
    County: New Castle
    Zone: 1B
    Location Type: State or County Park
    Location Description: Lums Pond State Park
  8. The possession and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages or drugs are strictly prohibited.
  • Please be careful, discrete and considerate around other park visitors. Understand that many park patrons are NOT hunters and some may feel threatened by your presence.
  • Deer remain in moderate numbers in the park. By hunting in Lums Pond, you are a vital part of our “deer management team”.
  • Proper management of Lums’ deer herd is simple: we must harvest does and let more yearling and button bucks walk away to balance the herd’s sex ratio to increase the number of mature males.  Make a proper management decision before you shoot.
  • Have a safe and successful hunt.

LPSP(Sunset Lake)2024-2025, Updated 05/22/2024

Trap Pond

Permitted: Deer, Small Game

Show More

2024-2025 Hunting Season Rules

Refer to map for approximate locations of indicated areas

  1. In addition to the Rules and regulations found in the Delaware Hunting and Trapping Guide: 2024-2025, specific rules that apply to Trap Pond State Park are listed below. Registration of all hunters participating in the Delaware State Park Hunting Program is required. The permit may be purchased via Digital DNREC or where Delaware hunting licenses are sold beginning in August 2024. Outside vendors charge an additional processing fee. You must have this permit prior to hunting. NOTE: Once obtained, this registration will be valid for hunters participating in the Delaware State Park Hunting Program at any of the nine Delaware State Parks where hunting is permitted.
    It is the hunter’s responsibility to become familiar with each park’s specific rules and regulations prior to hunting.
  2. General Hunting Rules
    1. There is NO SUNDAY HUNTING in Delaware State Parks.
    2. Failure to comply with any state laws, rules, regulations, and/or policies may result in arrest and/or suspension of all hunting privileges in Delaware State Parks.
    3. Handguns are not permitted for deer hunting in Delaware State Parks.
    4. It is illegal to use or build a nailed or permanent tree stand or ladder. Portable stands must be of a type that will not damage trees. Unattended stands will be confiscated.
    5. Use of trail cameras in Delaware State Parks is prohibited.
    6. Driving deer into and/or through hunting areas is prohibited.
    7. The clearing/cutting of vegetation to form shooting lanes or for any other purpose is prohibited.
    8. Use of Bait/salt blocks is prohibited in Delaware State Parks.
    9. Use of buckshot is prohibited in Delaware State Parks.
    10. Hunting within 50 yards of any trail is prohibited.
    11. Driving motorized vehicles off-road into fields, woods, or along trails is prohibited. No motorized hand carts or ATVs are allowed to recover harvested deer. E-bikes may be used on state park trails that allow bicycles. Bicycles, including E-bikes may not be ridden on paths from state park trails to the deer stand, pin or archery zone. Manual deer carts are authorized for use.
    12. Park only in designated parking areas (refer to map for approximate locations).
    13. State Parks are carry-in, carry-out areas. Please take any trash you accumulate with you.
  3. Small Game
    1. Use of archery equipment, .22 caliber rifles and shotguns is permitted for hunting Gray Squirrel, Cottontail Rabbit in-season, in Zone C, G and Zone I from October 12, 2024 through January 31, 2025 except during ANY deer firearm season.
  4. Deer Hunting – Archery/Crossbow Seasons
    1. Permitted in any area labeled as Zone AZ from September 2, 2024 through February 2, 2025.
    2. Also permitted in Zones B, C, D, E, I, J, L and T; from September 2, 2024 through February 2, 2025.
    3. Archery hunting is only permitted from provided wooded stands in Zones C and D during firearm seasons.
    4. Hunters must wear hunter orange when archery hunting during any deer firearm season in all zones including Zones designated AZ.
  5. Deer Hunting – Muzzleloader Seasons
    1. Permitted in Zones C, D, E, F, G, I, J and T, October 11 – 19, 2024; January 27 – February 2, 2025.
    2. Hunting in Zones C and D is only permitted from the provided wooden stands only during gun seasons. A tag board is located near the Bethesda Church restrooms on Wooten Road. Tags for stands are available on a first-come/first-served basis. Tags may not be pulled before 4:30 am. Place the tag on the dashboard of your vehicle while hunting. Tags must be returned to the board if you vacate the stand for any reason. Please enter the required information on the sign-in/sign-out sheet located in the box on the tag board. Information provided on this form helps us better analyze our state park hunting program.
    3. Muzzleloaders may also be used during General Firearm Seasons (see below).
    4. Red fox and coyote may be harvested as incidental take with a muzzleloader during muzzleloader seasons. Use of calls is prohibited
  6. Deer Hunting – General Firearm Seasons
    1. Permitted in Zones C, D, E, I, J, L and T, October 25 and 26, 2024, November 15 – 23, 2024, December 14 – 21, 2024 Special Antlerless and January 18 – 25, 2025.
    2. Hunting in Zones C and D is only permitted from the provided wooden stands only during gun seasons. Tags for stands are available on a first-come/first-served basis. Tags may not be pulled before 4:30 am. Place the tag on the dashboard of your vehicle while hunting. Tags must be returned to the board if you vacate the stand for any reason. Please enter the required information on the sign-in/sign-out sheet located in the box on the tag board. Information provided on this form helps us better analyze our state park hunting program.
    3. There is no gun hunting in Trap Pond State Park prior to the October muzzleloader season.
    4. Shotguns, muzzleloaders and straight-walled pistol-caliber rifles are permitted for use during the general firearm seasons.
    5. Red fox and coyote may be harvested as incidental take with a shotgun or muzzleloader during general firearm seasons. Use of calls is prohibited.
  7. Thirteen deer stands are located in Zones C and D (refer to map for locations) to increase hunter safety and convenience. Use of these stands is on a first come/first serve basis and is mandatory during gun seasons. Stand #2 located on the south side of Wooten Road in Area E and #13 on the north side of Pepperbox Road are accessible stands designed for hunters with mobility issues. Tags for stands are available on a first-come/first-served basis. Tags may not be pulled before 4:30 am. Place the tag on the dashboard of your vehicle while hunting. Tags must be returned to the board if you vacate the stand for any reason. Please enter the required information on the sign-in/sign-out sheet located in the box on the tag board. Information provided on this form helps us better analyze our state park hunting program.
  8. Access – Hunters may not cross private property without permission.
    1. Parking for Area A is located on Wooten Road at the Dog Training Area. Parking within the main park to hunt is prohibited.
    2. Access to Zone G is directly from Arvey Road.
    3. Hunters must access Zone J directly from adjacent public roads or two parking areas indicated on map.
    4. Access to Zone J on the east side of Hitch Pond Road is only from the forest that is owned by Delaware State Parks. Do not cross the privately owned fields adjacent to park property for any reason.
  9. All deer harvested in the Trap Pond State Park must be reported via the on-line or toll-free telephone reporting system as required by the Delaware Division of Fish and Wildlife. Deer should be reported as follows:

    Land Type: Public
    County: Sussex
    Zone: 16 (AZ 1-9, AZM and AZT1-3, B, C, D, E, J, & T)
    14 (I, L & AZL)
    Location Type: State or County Park
    Location Description: Trap Pond State Park
  10. Dependent upon ongoing construction, weather, or other factors, one or more areas may be closed. For updated or additional information, contact the park office at (302) 875-5153 or visit the Delaware State Parks website at
  11. Please be careful, discrete and considerate around other park visitors. Understand that many park patrons are NOT hunters and some may feel threatened by your presence. Have a safe and successful hunt.

Trap Pond Main 2024-2025, Updated 06/12/2024

White Clay Creek

Permitted: Deer

Show More

2024-2025 Hunting Season Rules

Refer to map for approximate locations of indicated areas

In addition to the rules and regulations found in the Delaware Hunting and Trapping Guide: 2024-2025, specific rules that apply to White Clay Creek State Park are listed below. Registration of all hunters participating in the Delaware State Park Hunting Program is required. The permit may be purchased via Digital DNREC or where Delaware hunting licenses are sold beginning in August 2024. Outside vendors charge an additional processing fee. You must have this permit prior to hunting. NOTE: Once obtained, this registration will be valid for hunters participating in the Delaware State Park Hunting Program at any of the nine Delaware State Parks where hunting is permitted.
It is the hunter’s responsibility to become familiar with each park’s specific rules and regulations prior to hunting.

  1. General Deer Hunting Rules
    1. There is NO SUNDAY HUNTING in Delaware State Parks.
    2. Failure to comply with any state laws, rules, regulations, and/or policies may result in arrest and/or suspension of all hunting privileges in Delaware State Parks. Handguns, rifles with straight-walled pistol-caliber ammunition and Sharps rifles are not permitted for deer hunting in Delaware State Parks.
    3. Handguns are not permitted for deer hunting in Delaware State Parks.
    4. Rifles with straight-walled pistol-caliber ammunition and Sharps rifles are not permitted for deer hunting in Delaware State Parks north of the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal.
    5. Use of buckshot is prohibited in Delaware State Parks.
    6. It is illegal to use or build a nailed or permanent tree stand or ladder.
    7. Use of trail cameras in Delaware State Parks is prohibited.
    8. Driving deer into and/or through hunting areas is prohibited.
    9. The clearing/cutting of vegetation to form shooting lanes or for any other purpose is prohibited.
    10. Baiting is prohibited in Delaware State Parks.
    11. Park only in designated parking areas (refer to map for approximate locations).
    12. Driving motorized vehicles off-road into fields, woods, or along trails is prohibited. No motorized hand carts or ATVs are allowed to recover harvested deer. E-bikes may be used on state park trails that allow bicycles. Bicycles, including E-bikes may not be ridden on paths from state park trails to the deer stand, pin or archery zone. Manual deer carts are authorized for use.
    13. You must harvest a female deer (adult or fawn doe qualify) in White Clay Creek State Park first, before harvesting a buck. To become ‘Buck Eligible’ you must have your female deer confirmed by contacting a Park Ranger (302)368-6900, (302)387-3515, (302)354-1386, (302)270-7316 and (302)943-0125. Archery hunters who harvest a female deer during archery season will be qualified to harvest a buck (by bow or gun) during the shotgun seasons.
    14. Mentored hunting is permitted, with no more than one hunter and one mentor for any single stand or zone tag. Only one bow, crossbow or firearm is permitted with each stand or zone tag.
    15. Dependent upon ongoing construction, weather, or other factors, one or more areas may be closed. Hunters are encouraged to carry a cell phone while they are scouting, hunting, and tracking. For updated or additional information, contact the park office at (302) 368-6900 or visit the Delaware State Parks website at The White Clay Creek State Park office is located at the intersection of Chambers Rock Road and Thompson Station Road. Park office is open daily 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. through October. The office will be open Monday through Friday 8am to 4 pm beginning in November. Please immediately report any medical emergencies by dialing 911. Report non-emergency hunting accidents, or violations of any hunting laws, rules, or regulations to a Park Ranger or the park office.
  2. Archery Deer Hunting Seasons
    September 2, 2024 – February 1, 2025

    Archery Rules (including Crossbow)

    1. If you plan to archery hunt at White Clay Creek State Park YOU ARE NO LONGER REQUIRED to appear in person at the White Clay Creek State Park office (during business hours) prior to hunting to sign the archery hunting registration form. There is no additional fee to archery hunt.
    2. Archery hunting is permitted only from elevated stands or from a portable non-damaging (without screw pegs) tree stand, or on the ground within the painted radius around each elevated stand/pin. When an elevated stand does not have a painted radius, archer must hunt from the elevated stand.
    3. Hunting in Archery Zones shall be from a portable non-damaging (without screw pegs) tree stand placed within the zone boundaries. Only one hunter is permitted in each zone. Hunting from ground level is permitted within the archery zones.
    4. Archery Zone 1 is now located on the south side of Chambers Rock Road west of White Clay Creek. The zone is bordered by Chambers Rock Road on the north side and an open field on the west. The boundary is marked by a painted perimeter. Hunters must be posted in an elevated stand when hunting Zone 1. Stands can be placed no closer than 20 yards from Chambers Rock Road. Shooting at deer outside of the painted perimeter is prohibited. Shooting at deer in the field in the interior of the zone is permitted from an elevated stand posted on a tree on or within the edge of the tree line surrounding the field.
    5. Archery Zone 2 is located in the wooded area southwest of the Upper Pike Creek Road bridge pull off. Zone 2 is bordered by Pike Creek and Upper Pike Creek Road. Zone 2 hunters must be posted in an elevated climber stand at least 20 yards away from Upper Pike Creek Road. Shooting at deer that are either in the creek or across the creek is prohibited.
    6. Archery Zone 3 is located in the wooded area at the south end of the Judge Morris property. This area is bordered by fields and by a private parking area. Hunters are not allowed to park in the private parking area on the south side of this zone. Hunters must be posted in an elevated climber stand at least 20 yards away from the private parking area.
    7. Archery Zone 4 is located in the wooded area north of Smith Mill Road, downhill from the Silent Knights flying field. Access to this zone shall be from the Smith Mill Road parking lot along the hedgerow along Paper Mill Road. Do not walk across the Silent Knights mowed runway.
    8. Archery Zone 5 is located in the wooded area bounded by White Clay Creek to the east, Thompson Station Road to the west, Chambers Rock Road to the south and a point 50 yards south of the Charles Bailey Trail to the north. Zone 5 hunters must be posted in an elevated climber stand at least 20 yards away from the bordering Roads and at least 50 yards from the Charles Bailey Trail. Shooting at deer that are either in the creek or across the creek is prohibited. Access to this zone will be from any of the three designated parking areas adjacent to this zone.
    9. Stands and pins will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis using the self-registration tag board system. Self-registration will take place at the tag boad in the Smith Mill parking lot which is located off Paper Mill Road. The tag must be placed on the dashboard of the hunter’s vehicle and be visible at all times when hunting. Reminder: Tags are not to be removed before 4:30 AM. As stated on the Self-Registration form, this applies to all stands including the Permanently Disabled Stands. During shotgun seasons tags may be removed 21/2 hours prior to legal hunting time to avoid congestion in the Smith Mill parking lot during shotgun lotteries.
    10. When leaving the area for any reason (e.g. lunch, work, coffee, deer kill, etc.), hunters must sign out and return the tag to the bulletin board.
    11. Hunters that fail to sign out and return the tag to the bulletin board when leaving the area or that have another person sign in and pick up a tag for them will lose their hunting privileges for the rest of the season.
    12. The archery-only stations or ‘pins’ (Stations A-Z, AA-HH, UU-YY, M-PD) and Archery Zones (1-5) will be open for archery hunting during both the archery season listed above and during legal firearm seasons, in accordance with all applicable regulations. Each of these stations is indicated by a labeled post. Hunting is permitted from within the painted radius around the labeled post.
    13. PD stands 1, 2, 19, 26, 38, 50, J and M are only to be used by PD archery hunters during the archery season.
    14. Hunter orange must be worn by archery hunters at all times when dates overlap with any Statewide Gun Seasons, including early October gun seasons and November Youth/Non-ambulatory Disabled Hunt.
  3. General Firearm Deer Hunting Seasons
    November 15 – November 23, 2024
    December 14 – December 21, 2024 – Special Antlerless Season
    January 18 – January 25, 2025

    General Firearm Season Rules

    1. Stands will be assigned by an on-site shotgun lottery each day of the hunt at the Smith Mill Parking Lot two hours prior to legal shooting time on the day of the hunt and again at 12:00 noon on the day of the hunt. Hunters are allowed only one entry in any lottery.
    2. Use of single-barrel muzzleloaders is permitted during the Shotgun Seasons. There are no Muzzleloader Seasons in White Clay Creek State Park.
    3. Hunters are required to hunt from their assigned elevated deer stand. All hunters picked for a stand in the morning must hunt in the morning and remain in their stand until 9 a.m. Afternoon hunters must be in their assigned stand by 3 p.m. With the exception of a personal emergency, a hunter may only leave their stand before 9 am in the morning or before the end of legal shooting time in the afternoon or evening to dispatch a downed deer that the hunter wounded provided that downed deer can be seen by the hunter from their stand.
    4. When shotgun hunters are finished hunting for the day, they must return their daily hunting permit to the permit box in the Smith Mill Road parking lot. Daily permits must be filled out completely before returning them.
    5. During the daily shotgun season lottery, if stand J-PD, PD1, PD2, PD19, PD26, PD38 or PD50 has not been assigned to a Permanently Disabled Hunter, then they will be included in the normal daily lottery drawings. If a PD stand is issued to a non-PD hunter in the morning lottery, the permit for the PD stand must be turned in prior to the noon drawing.
    6. During shotgun seasons, archery hunters wishing to hunt from the archery-only stations can use the self-registration tag board system as they do during the regular archery hunting seasons.
    7. Possession of a loaded firearm, except while lawfully hunting from an assigned deer stand, is prohibited.
    8. Use of buckshot is prohibited in Delaware State Parks.
    9. Red fox and coyote may be harvested as incidental take with a muzzleloader or shotgun while hunting for deer during general firearm seasons. Use of calls is prohibited.
  4. November 2, 2024 Shotgun Youth Hunt
    1. There will be a Youth Shotgun Deer Hunt at White Clay Creek State Park on Saturday, November 2, 2024. This one-day hunt will be open to juvenile hunters ages 10-15 who have completed a Hunter Education course, possess a Division hunting permit, and (when age required) possess a Delaware junior hunting license.
    2. Youth must register at the White Clay Creek Park office between July 1 and October 25, 2024. Registrations will not be accepted after October 25.
    3. Selected youth hunters, and their adult mentor, will participate in a traditional on-site stand lottery drawing at the Carpenter Recreation Area on November 2. The stand lottery drawing will take place two hours prior to legal shooting time. Once stands are assigned, youth hunters may keep their stands for the entire day. There will be no noon stand lottery drawing. A deer stand permit cannot be transferred to another youth hunter.
    4. Each juvenile hunter must be accompanied by an adult mentor who is at least 21 years of age. The mentor must have the lawful right to hunt in the State of Delaware, possess a valid Division of Parks & Recreation hunting permit, and either possess a valid Delaware hunting license or be hunting license exempt.
    5. The accompanying mentor is not allowed to shoot. Only one youth and one adult will be allowed to occupy each deer stand. Youth hunters may use a shotgun or a single-barrel muzzleloader.
    6. The buck eligibility requirement is waived for youth shotgun hunters during this one-day hunt. Only lottery selected shotgun youth hunters may harvest an antlered buck on this date without first harvesting a female deer.
    7. Gun hunting, by juveniles or by adults, in other areas of White Clay Creek State Park on November 2 is prohibited. Juvenile archery hunters are still required to be “buck eligible” to harvest an antlered deer with a bow on November 2.
  • Please be careful, discrete and considerate around other park visitors. Understand that many park patrons are NOT hunters and some may feel threatened by your presence.
  • Your harvest information is very important to us. Please submit your data accurately.
  • No Trespassing on neighboring private property.
  • Have a safe and successful hunt.

White Clay Creek Hunting Opportunities for Permanently Disabled Hunters

Permanently Disabled Hunters are a small but important segment of our hunting population that is likely to grow larger in coming years. As we have increased hunting opportunities for all hunters, we have been increasing opportunities for Permanently Disabled Hunters. The rules that follow below are meant to accomplish these goals.

Before you consider registration as a Permanently Disabled Hunter, understand that this will limit your hunting opportunities within the park to just a few stands or pins, and you will still have to participate in the daily lottery for these limited opportunities with other Permanently Disabled Hunters. This is strictly intended for those hunters that are physically unable to access the majority of the stands in the park because of difficult terrain and long walking distances. Read the instructions below. All of the White Clay Creek Hunting Rules in the park will also apply to the Permanently Disabled Hunter as well.

  • A hunter wishing to participate must obtain a disabled hunter certification card to use all facilities and opportunities made available to disabled hunters on State Wildlife Areas and State Parks. For more information on obtaining this card, call the Division of Fish and Wildlife at (302) 739-9912
  • Once registered, Permanently Disabled Hunters will be limited to the following stand/pin locations: Archery Stand J-PD, Archery Stand M-PD, as well as stands PD1, PD2, PD19, PD26, PD38, and PD50. By registering as a Permanently Disabled Hunter you are limiting your hunting to these locations. These seven sites are for Permanently Disabled Hunters not confined to a wheelchair (Category 2). They will be equipped with stairs instead of ladders to facilitate access to the stands.
  • During the morning shotgun lottery, if Stands J-PD, M-PD, PD1, PD2, PD19, PD26, PD38 and PD50 are not assigned to Permanently Disabled Hunters, these six stands become available to non-Permanently Disabled Hunters. If a PD stand is issued to a non-PD hunter in the morning lottery, the permit for the PD stand must be turned in prior to the noon drawing so that the stand once again becomes available to an afternoon lottery PD hunter.
  • During the archery season, stands J-PD, M-PD, PD1, PD2, PD19, PD26, PD38, and PD50 are only available to permanently disabled hunters. PD archery hunters may hunt from the ground within the painted radius of any pin.
  • Park staff will not be available to help the Permanently Disabled Hunter retrieve game or otherwise provide assistance except in the case of an emergency. Permanently Disabled Hunters must make arrangements with a friend or family member to help them.

WCCSP 2024-2025, updated 06/12/2024

Download Maps and Rules

New Castle County – PDF Download

Kent and Sussex Counties – PDF Download

Auburn Valley – PDF Downloads

Brandywine Creek – PDF Downloads

Cape Henlopen – PDF Downloads

Delaware Seashore – PDF Downloads

Holts Landing – PDF Downloads

Killens Pond – PDF Downloads

Lums Pond – PDF Downloads

Trap Pond – PDF Downloads

White Clay Creek – PDF Downloads

New Permit Process

New Process to Purchase a State Park Hunting Permit

Hunters wishing to hunt on Delaware State Park lands are required to purchase a state park hunting permit each year. In past years permits were sold at eight state parks where hunting is permitted and at the license desk of the DNREC Offices in Dover. Starting this year, state park permits will no longer be available from state park offices and the DNREC office. They will only be available for purchase via the Digital DNREC online license portal or from vendors which sell Delaware hunting licenses. They will be available for purchase beginning on or about August 15, 2024.

Once purchased, the permit will be valid for hunters participating in the Delaware State Park Hunting Program at any of the nine Delaware State Parks where hunting is permitted. If you have questions about this new process please email your question to or call 302-739-9230

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